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Chemical Peels for Fall Skincare: What to Know Before Getting One

Sep 30, 2022

As we welcome fall, let's also celebrate the start of CHEMICAL PEEL SEASON! It’s a great time to continue your healthy skin journey. Together we can achieve or maintain your goal of having healthy, even and radiant skin.

Why Should You Consider Getting a Chemical Peel?

  • Fall is the perfect season to initiate chemical peel treatments because chemical peels increase photosensitivity, and therefore leave your skin more sensitive to the sun. Doing this intensive treatment over the fall and winter months allows your skin to be renewed within a reasonable amount of time before daily exposure to the spring and summer sun.
  • Once applied to the skin’s surface, the chemical peel solution acts as an exfoliator to remove layers of skin, revealing the more vibrant and youthful skin beneath.
  • Chemical Peels enhance the skin’s appearance by helping to improve common concerns such as fine lines, sun damage, mild scarring, hyperpigmentation, melasma, uneven skin texture.
  • Chemical Peels enhance the skin’s appearance by helping to improve common concerns such as fine lines, sun damage, mild scarring, hyperpigmentation, melasma, uneven skin texture.

Before booking, consider the following chemical peel facts listed below.

Chemical Peels are best suited for:  

  • Those desiring brighter, firmer, even-toned, smoother, and more youthful looking skin.
  • Those who wish to reverse minor signs of aging.
  • Those with sun damaged skin.
  • Those wishing to address hormonal related melasma.
  • Those with milder forms of acne.
  • Those wishing to improve mild scarring of the face and neck.

What is a Chemical Peel? 

The two types of chemical peels offered at Viviane Aires Skin Wellness are:  

The Signature Chemical Peel 

  • A light (superficial) peel designed to promote shedding of the outermost layer of skin (epidermis)
  • Best for treating fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes and mouth, dull, dry, and uneven skin tone.
  • Beta hydroxy peel. Designed to quickly penetrate top layers of skin to reduce acne causing bacteria, and decrease inflammation, resulting in a clearer and balanced complexion.
  • Boosts collagen production and increases the effectiveness of your recommended skin care products.
  • Can be combined with most VASW signature facials
  • Little to no downtime, although mild sensitivity and peeling may occur.
  • Requires post-peel home treatment.
  • Expect a one to seven day recovery period 

The Chemical Peel Intensive* 

  • A mid-level chemical peel designed to penetrate deeper into your dermis to address more serious scarring, sun damage, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, and uneven skin tone and texture.
  • Ethanol-based formula, which may require some downtime as minor irritation and peeling is likely to occur with this treatment.
  • Beta hydroxy peel. Designed to quickly penetrate top layers of skin to reduce acne causing bacteria, and decrease inflammation, resulting in a clearer and balanced complexion.
  • Requires you to follow a pre-peel home care regiment at least two weeks prior to your first chemical peel session.
  • Requires post peel home treatment.
  • Expect a 7 to 14 day recovery period.
  • Requires post-peel home treatment.
  • *Intensive chemical peel treatment NOT combinable with other facial services


Now you know why chemical peels are a great way to achieve beautiful and healthy skin. With my expertise, we will work diligently together to maintain, if not enhance your natural glow - and say goodbye to dull skin! 

Need personalized tips on your best skin routine? Book a virtual consultation here for expert advice.

How To Control Hyperpigmentation: Symptoms and Treatment Options

There are many people who suffer from hyperpigmentation, which is a condition where the skin produces too much melanin. It is estimated that 30% of the population has dark patches on their skin that they can’t seem to get rid of (at least not without several different treatment attempts). It can show up anywhere on the body, but mainly around the neck, underarms, and as stretch marks.


You might wonder what causes hyperpigmentation? It can be triggered by sun damage, hormonal changes, or certain medications. While there is no cure for hyperpigmentation, there are ways to treat it and make the skin look better.


If you’re struggling with hyperpigmentation, chances are you have one or more of the following effects: acne scars, uneven skin tones, excess oil or sweat, stress, hormones and other factors.


Being unable to find the perfect skincare routine for your skin type is another common reason why hyperpigmentation persists. leading to discoloration.


You probably learned hyperpigmentation is not easy to tackle. But once you know what you're up against, it starts becoming easier. Whether you’ve been dealing with hyperpigmentation for years or just got the urge to tackle it head-on.

Here are 5 effective ways you can treat this skin concern:

  1. Exfoliate regularly. This helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles as well as uneven skin tone due to hyperpigmentation. It can also help improve the appearance of scars as well as discoloration caused by acne and rosacea.
  2. Chemical peel. A chemical peel is a great way to treat hyperpigmentation. Chemical peels work by removing the top layer of skin, which contains the pigment that has been darkened by sun exposure or other factors. This can help to even out the skin tone and make the pigmentation less visible.

    After a chemical peel, your skin will be more sensitive to the sun, so it’s important to use sunscreen and avoid direct sunlight exposure. You may also have some redness and peeling for a few days after the treatment.
  3. Microdermabrasion.  Microdermabrasion is an effective way to treat hyperpigmentation. This cosmetic procedure involves using a special device to exfoliate the skin. This helps to remove dead skin cells and reveal new, healthy skin cells.

    Microdermabrasion can be done at home or in a salon. This treatment can also help to reduce the size of pores, improve the texture of the skin, and make the complexion appear brighter.
  4. Sunscreen. Using sunscreen regularly is one of the best ways to prevent hyperpigmentation from occurring. In addition to protecting against sun damage, sunscreen also helps to prevent spots from forming by blocking UV rays from reaching your skin. When used appropriately, sunscreen should be applied every day and every time you go out into the sun.

    Some people also prefer to use tinted moisturizers or foundation products that provide SPF protection as well.
  5. Reduce inflammation through a diet that is rich in antioxidants and omega-3s. In addition to reducing inflammation, antioxidants can also help with hyperpigmentation because they protect skin from the damage caused by free radicals. In order to get your daily dose of antioxidants, aim to eat plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables such as beets, berries, and oranges.

In conclusion, hyperpigmentation can be controlled with the right skincare routine, products and dedication. Be sure to consult with your skincare professional. I have found that with the proper treatment, hyperpigmentation can be reduced or even eliminated. Start today to find a hyperpigmentation treatment that works for you.  

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